Event industry
About Solution
Event industry
Isn’t it all about a good show and memorable branding in your visitors minds? And what it really takes to do so? Clown? Dancing show? Activation team? Printings? Too many printings? Light show? Presentable and good-looking sales/registration team? Promotions?
NO! It’s time to do things differently, to do it in a unique, smart, creative way…Please welcome your new team!
Which is capable of doing so much for you.

Event industry

The barista robot of MARSES gives you the both edges, the show that you would need to catch your visitors & guests that they will live a totally different experience than any other barista...
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Again, Covid-19 pandemic gave us hard times, and we -at MARSES wanted to make sure that we’ll help saving lives through our autonomous products, and it was crystal clear that we need to introduce...
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An extra hand is always helpful, but not any extra hand. If you need an extra hand that saves time, reduce cost, and serve unique value, then you only have one option, which is...
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MARSES Robotic Solutions provides Visitors Management System to be integrated on our interactive robots to help you manage your visitors and their data efficiently. It recognize & identify the employees or visitors faces, save...
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